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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3165-3168

A Study on Educated Unemployment in Assam

Himashree Baruah, Dhiren Saikia.


Unemployment refers to a situation in which the workers who are capable of working and willing to work at the prevailing wage rate but fail to get an employment opportunity that gives them income or means of livelihood. Among the various type of unemployment, educated unemployment is one of important. Educated unemployment a type of unemployment that arises when a large no of educated people are unable to find a job. India seems to have a bigger pool of educated unemployed people. Assam also presents a disappointing picture of unemployment. There has been an alarming phase of mass unemployment among the educated youth. Postgraduates and graduates are walking pillar to post in search of unemployment. In Assam lack of skilled education which can provide job to educated people. In this paper, we are trying to make a bird’s eye view description of the growing rate of educated unemployed people in Assam and its consequences or impact on the social life of Assamese people.

Key words: Unemployment, Educated unemployment, Skill education, Assam

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