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Case Report

IJMDC. 2021; 5(2): 770-775

Elective cesarean section performed in severe coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at third trimester with post-partum deterioration: A case report

Fatimah A. Alhawsawi, Abrar A. Salloma, Amira S. Awad.


Background: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a global health problem affecting people of all ages with different influences. Pregnancy is a physiological change that makes women susceptible to diseases.
Case Presentation: A pregnant patient in the third trimester with confirmed COVID-19 was presented. The patient delivered by cesarean section (CS) due to respiratory compromise. It took 8 days intubation in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 19 days from symptoms onset to discharge with good condition.
Conclusion: This case reflects the respiratory compromise due to COVID-19 in a pregnant patient that indicated delivery by elective CS. It was a timely delivery facilitated by the management of rapidly deteriorating COVID- 19 respiratory status. Subsequently, ICU management improved patient status as other non-pregnant patients.

Key words: Elective cesarean, COVID-19, post-partum, deterioration, case report

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