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In Vivo Antidiabetic Efficacy, Mineral Element Composition, and Qualitative Phytochemistry of the Aqueous Leaf Extracts of Pentas zanzibarica (Klotzsch.) Vatke and Olea europaea subspecies africana (Mill.)

Gervason Apiri Moriasi,Cromwell Mwiti Kibiti,Mathew Piero Ngugi.


Persistent hyperglycaemia is the hallmark of diabetes and is accountable for the devastating complications, which cause high morbidity and mortality. Conventional anti-diabetic agents are only palliative and characterised with limited efficacy, adverse effects, high costs, inaccessibility, prompting the need for better alternatives. Therefore, we investigated the in vivo hypoglycaemic activities, elemental composition, and qualitative phytochemistry of the aqueous leaf extracts of P. zanzibarica and O. europaea subspecies africana as potential sources of affordable, safer, accessible, and potent anti-diabetic therapies. In vivo hypoglycaemic activities of the studied plant extracts were evaluated at three dose levels of 50, 100, and 150 mg/Kg body weight (bw) in Alloxan-induced hyperglycaemic Swiss albino mice. The elemental composition of the plant extracts was analysed using the energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (EDXRF System) and the atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Qualitative phytochemical screening was done following standard procedures. In this study, the aqueous leaf extract of P. zanzibarica, significantly (p

Key words: Diabetes; Hyperglycaemia; Pentas zanzibarica; Olea europaea subspecies africana; Alloxan; Aqueous extracts; Traditional medicine

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