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Study on oral anti-diabetic drug utilization pattern in diabetes mellitus type 2 patients at a tertiary care hospital

Inugurthy Sridhar, Polagani Padma, MD. Zubair Ahmed, Syeda Ayesha Siddiqua.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2, the chief public health issue all over the globe affecting mostly developing countries. The prescribed oral anti-diabetic drugs play a key role in the treatment and management of DM type 2. Drug utilization study of oral anti-diabetic drugs is of extreme prominence to promote rational usage of the drug in DM type 2 patients and to spread knowledge and understanding for the oral anti-diabetic medicines prescribed.

Aim and Objectives: Our study aims to determine the oral anti-diabetic drug utilization pattern in DM type 2 patients at a tertiary care hospital.

Materials and Methods: A prospective, cross-sectional, and observational study of 6 months period was conducted among DM type 2 patients attending the General Medicine department of a tertiary care hospital. One hundred and fifty-seven DM type 2 patients participated and their prescriptions were screened. Ethics committee permission was obtained from the institutional ethical committee before initiation of the study. Required demographic details, body mass index (BMI), duration, and family history of DM type 2 were noted. Five classes of oral anti-diabetic drugs: Biguanides, Sulfonylureas, Alpha-Glucosidase inhibitors, Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 inhibitors, and Thiazolidinediones were analyzed in the study.

Results: One hundred and fifty-seven DM type 2 patients participated in the study. The majority of the patients were from the age group of 41–50 years (45.9%) and female predominance was observed (59.2%). BMI calculations showed most of them were belonging to the obese category (45.2%). 6–10 years of the duration period of DM type 2 (34.4%) among the participants were the highest. About 58% had a strong family history of DM type 2. Among the oral anti-diabetic drugs prescribed metformin (Biguanides) was found to be a commonly prescribed drug (26.1%), followed by glimepiride (Sulfonylureas) (21.0%). Among the reported adverse effects hypoglycemia (7%) was the most prevalent one.

Conclusion: The study showed that metformin, that is, Biguanides are the predominantly utilized oral anti-diabetic drugs followed by glimepiride, that is, Sulfonylureas in DM type 2 patients.

Key words: Oral Anti-diabetic Drugs; Drug Utilization Pattern; Diabetes Mellitus Type 2; Adverse Effects

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