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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3234-3239

Micro Finance as a Tool for Creation of Self-Employment opportunities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan

Muhammad Imran Shah, Dr. Aziz Javad, Dr. Aman Ullah Khan, Ume Ruqia Saadat, Mohsin Zeb.


Under Developed countries of the world are facing the main issue of unemployment. This problem/issue is interlinked with the socio-economic prospects. Economic Development is possible due to creation of employment opportunities in the country. Self-employment can be created and improved through creation of various business, economics and prolific activities. Micro finance plays role in improving self-employment through business or productive activities. In this Research study various factors of self-employment through Micro finance have been explained. Primary data through structured questionnaire has been used. Regression analysis has been used to analyze the association between self-employment and socio-economic determinants. Binary number (0 and 1) as dummy dependent is dealt by Self-employment, whereas all independent variables were dealt by the binary coding shape (0 and 1). The outcomes of this research study represent that demographics have a great influence on selfemployment. It is concluded that if the Micro finance is available at convenient grounds by the MFIs then Micro finance has positively significant impact on creation of self-employment in the study area.

Key words: Microfinance, Self-employment, Socio-Economic, Demographics, MFIs

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