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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3240-3245

Cultural Rights & Cultural Security of Kalash Community in Pakistan: An Appraisal

Dr. Amir Ullah Khan, Tanveer Khan, Dr. Shabana Noreen, Haroon Khan, Dr. Syed Naeem Bukhari, Kamran Abdullah.


The concept of rights is very broad and comprehensive which is interpreted by different people according to their socio-cultural values and religious teachings. However, the global community has given some rights a common meaning and list to protect the rights of the weaker communities against the stronger majoritarian community from annihilation. Pakistan has pluralistic society divided into various communities on the basis of race, colour, language, caste, creed, sects and religion. The Kalash Community is socio-cultural and religious minority community in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This study is mainly concerned with the Cultural rights and cultural security of this community.

Key words: Cultural security, UNDP, Cultural Rights, Kalash Community

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