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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3292-3304

Queen of Hills Living on the Edge: Roadmap to Recovery from Cliff like Situations Engulfing Darjeeling

Dr. Arpan Dasgupta, Aamirah Salam.


An inclusive development is something which ensures a country’s prosperity in the most holistic ways. The term ‘Holistic’ is indicative of simultaneous growth of all stake holders which play their role in terms of socio economic contribution of the nation. Darjeeling, one of the oldest and perhaps the most favoured tourist destinations in the north east has been witnessing bitter situations as an outcome of some haphazard and unmonitored development. Blatant flouting of building rules, rampant, unregulated and mindless construction is surely indicative of some major disaster waiting to happen. The population density in many pockets of the town is much more than the prescribed mark and has already created a catastrophic situation. Further being on a seismic zone - has already created a high risk situation for certain settlements. The town area is largely a tourist centric place and the challenges created by different segments especially related to socio economic structure is getting tougher by the day. This is also having an adverse impact on the environment of this beautiful place. Modernization and urbanization is indicative of prosperity any system thrives for but if that comes with a high price - needs to be cordially settled. A sensitive planning process and administrative policies amidst the constraints holds the key. This paper will try to infer a correct picture with respect to the above concerns and will try to seek some amicable solutions to retain the traditional fabric of the district and ensure a revival of the loosing identity of the place.

Key words: Darjeeling, Holistic, Modernization, Tourist Destination, Sustainability.

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