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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3305-3312


Deepali Rani Sahoo.


In today's scenario CSR (corporate social responsibility) in Indian context have become a very much serious discussion after the introduction of section 135 of the companies act, 2013. However, the lack of knowledge and difficult procedure of CSR both as concept and along with follow up should be carefully acknowledge also this is an interesting factor that irrespective of this recent regulations, the work done by CSR is in any way not so much New to Indian public sector undertaking as they have been practicing CSR both morally and statutorily under the guidelines on corporate governance for central public sector enterprises, 2010.Thus, so it is cleared that PSUS have an added up advantage over private companies in terms of CSR rules are complained. Hence, form this research I have tried to evaluate and learn the status of Indian public sector ( PSUs) in oil and power sector and form this l have derived meaningful trends and observations concerning the established CSR mechanism of some of the selected companies which have been taken for research. In the research you will see that CSR policies of Indian public sector undertaking which tries to draw significant inferences out of these findings. Later on the findings will tell you that Indian public sector PSUs have now learnt to deal with the CSR policies as compared to previous years. The focus is corporate sided concentrating over aparticular thematic area and geographic location. Along with it lacks in dynamic collaboration of efforts and fails to take in account with multiple stakeholders. As far as the research does it is very much cleared that CSR policies of the public sector are still under the influence of central which tents to reduce the transparency and credibility of the process. This study also shows the role of external agencies who they assist the corporate with planning and implementation of CSRactivities. Case of TISS_ CSR hub initiatives has been cited in the study to raise some questions and to give some answers to them.
PSUs needs to address CSR a priority basis and not with lack of motivation and directions among PSUs. Hence for this research the effort is not made to look down upon the response with PSUs but to evaluate what is their course of action in order to make their efforts more thriving and accommodating.

Key words: CSR mechanism, multiple stakeholders, TISS_ CSR hub initiatives

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