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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 887-889

Bonesetter treated neglected trauma, multicenter experience in central Karachi, Pakistan

Rahat Zahoor Moton, Zohaib Nawaz, Muhammad Naseem, Saleem Asghar, Irfan Muhammad Rajput, Zaheer Khatti.


Objective: To determine the common complications resulting from bone setter treatment and root cause of seeking bone setter advice in central Karachi, Pakistan.
Methodology: This descriptive cross sectional study was conducted from January 2016 to December 2018 at Departments of Orthopedics of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Sindh Rangers Hospital, Imam Clinic and General hospital and Godhra Muslim Welfare Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. It included 999 adult patients with bonesetter treated complications. Frequency of complications and reason for seeking bonesetter treatment were recorded. Data analysis was done using SPSS 21.
Results: Out of 999 patients, 63.2% were male and 36.7% female. Mean age was 32.59±9.14 years. The severity of the symptoms was divided into 3 categories i.e. mild, moderate and severe. Mal-union (M) (248, 24.8%), Non-union (NU) (246, 24.6%) and Osteomyelitis (OM) (126, 12.6%) were top complications. Beliefs (32.4%) in females (34.3%) and Cost effectives (30.5%) were found to be the reason towards bonesetter treatments.
Conclusion: Commonest complications resulting from bonesetter treatment were nonunion and mal-union. Traditional belief and low cost was identified root cause of seeking bonesetter treatment.

Key words: Bonesetter, musculoskeletal complications, neglected trauma.

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