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Blueprint for summative theory assessment in pharmacology – A tool to increase the validity as per the new competency based medical education

Meenu Pichholiya, Arvind Kumar Yadav, Sangita Gupta, Sandeep Kumar Kamlekar, Sakshi Singh.

Cited by 3 Articles

Background: Constructing blueprint for assessment is an important approach evolving today and being emphasized to assess the medical students. It is necessary that the items in the question paper should match the course and a proportional weightage should be given to each competency of the curriculum with respect to its domain and clinical relevance.

Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to prepare test blueprints for 2nd year medical undergraduate syllabus of Pharmacology papers – Paper I and Paper II.

Materials and Methods: This study was carried out in the Pharmacology Department of Geetanjali Medical College, Udaipur. All the competencies based on the knowledge domain of the 2nd-year medical undergraduate curriculum for the Indian medical graduate were divided into two parts for theory paper I and paper II of pharmacology. Each competency or its subdivision was given pharmacological and clinical importance from score 1 to 3 and weightage was calculated for each competency. After devising both the blueprints, they were sent by email for validation by the peers and experts in the field of pharmacology.

Results: Two final blueprints were prepared each for Papers I and II for summative theory assessment in pharmacology. General pharmacology carried the maximum weightage in Paper I which was found to be 30 marks out of 100 followed by 16 marks for central nervous system. In Paper II weightage of antimicrobial drugs was highest, that is, 35 marks followed by hormonal and related drugs which was 21 marks out of 100.

Conclusion: Blueprints should be executed as an essential part of preparing the theory papers for all subjects. The blueprints should be periodically reviewed by the experts in the field and redesigned as per the changes in the curriculum.

Key words: Blueprint; Pharmacology; Assessment; Competency Based Medical Education

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