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Review Article

Sudan J Paed. 2021; 21(2): 110-115

Progress, challenges and partnerships of teaching medical professionalism in medical schools in Sudan: the success story of Sudan Medical Council

Osama Hafiz Elshazali, Hala Abdullahi, Zain A. Karrar.


This paper highlights the historical perspective of medical education in Sudan and the context within which initiatives for teaching medical
professionalism were implemented. It reflects upon the present-day situation of teaching professionalism in Sudan and identifies the challenges of teaching professionalism in the medical schools in the country. The cultural and social adaptation and professional implementation challenges within a poorly resourced health system will be discussed. The successful experience of the Sudan Medical Council in conducting the accreditation for medical schools and in commencing and maintaining partnerships with major concerned partners is shared.

Key words: Sudan; Medical education; Medical professionalism; Sudan Medical Council; Accreditation for medical schools

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