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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3354-3371

An Analytical Study on Possibility of Media Education (Special Reference to Intermediate and College Students)

Diwakar Dubey, Tanvi Tyagi.


The study focus upon the possibilities of Media Education among higher secondary and college students and its commencement at this stage of learning. The main objective of this study is to investigate the future possibilities of media education and to understand the framework to start media education on both the levels. The access of different forms of media, the understanding about these mediums is analyzed during this research study. The aspect of including an independent stream to conduct media education on school and college level is also studied. The study also try to find out the need of Media Educators and other helpful resources that should be studied further such as smart classes, audiovisual lectures, e- education and correspondence course. The most suitable medium to provide media education is also important to find out and study carefully. Therefore various aspects of media education on different levels and their importance in today’s world has enlarged as it impacts the society on large scale.

Key words: Media Education, Media Messages, E- Education, Media Study Framework, Skill Development

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