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The Effect of beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB)/Glutamine/Arginine Support on Quality of Life and Toxicity in Patients Undergoing Pelvic Radiotherapy

Diclehan Kılıç,Hüseyin Furkan Öztürk.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim:In this clinical study, Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB)ArginineGlutamine enriched mixture administered during pelvic radiotherapy; The effects on the patients' quality of life, treatment-related side effects and nutritional status were investigated.
Materials and Methods:Forty Nine patients who underwent pelvic radiotherapy were divided into 2 groups according to age, gender, operation status, tumor type and concomitant chemotherapy status. While HMBArginineGlutamine was administered to 25 patients, no nutritional support was given to 24 patients.Two groups of patients were followed up weekly and compared in terms of quality of life, toxicity, nutritional status, anthropometric measurements, biochemical parameters and moods.
Results: A statistically significant improvement was found in the anxiety and depression scales in the group in which this mixture was used. Although there was improvement in weight change, treatment side effects, fatigue, risk of malnutrition, skeletal muscle mass, prealbumin and albumin, this difference was not statistically significant. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of quality of life.
Conclusion: In our knowledge, there is no clinical data in the literature examining the effects of HMBArginineGlutamine on quality of life, toxicity and nutritional status in patients receiving pelvic radiotherapy. Usage of this mixture may improve toxicity, fatigue, anxiety and depression, skeletal muscle mass, prealbumin and albumin values during pelvic radiotherapy.

Key words: Pelvic radiotherapy, HR-QOL, HMB\Arjinin\Glutamin

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