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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 299-304

The Conceptualization of theories of underemployment and its impact on Job and Health outcomes

Atiq Ur Rehman, Dr. Mohammad Daud Ali*, Dr. Shah Raza Khan.


This article relates the theories of Underemployment. This is an academic effort to conceptualize how the Underemployment is less significantly treated and studied in research. The paper critically distinguishes the underemployment from unemployment. Human capital Theory (HCT) and Relative deprivation theory are discussed to lead towards the understanding of underemployment. The authors tried to critically review the relevant extant literature to describe the underemployment theories and the consequent development of theoretical framework. The paper tried to explore the outcome of underemployment on the job, career and health of employees.

Key words: Underemployment, Unemployment, Theories of unemployment, Job outcome, Health outcome

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