Lesson plan is the instructors roadmap of what student need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. Objectives of the study were, 1To investigate the effectiveness of lesson planning in teaching. 2. To find the students access in developing lesson plan. 3. To facilitate the students in developing lesson plan. B.Ed students of Government College for elementary college Kot Addu, B.Ed Students of Government College for Elementary Teachers D.G Khan, B.Ed students of Government College for Elementary Teachers Bosan Road Multan, B.Ed students of GC university Faisalabad, B.Ed Students of University of Sargodha, B.Ed students of Islamia University Bahawalpur Comprised the population of Study. A sample of the study were 50 Students which were selected randomly. A questionnaire consist of 10 items. Questionnaire was distributed to the responders. 76 % B.Ed Elementary responders, 68 % Secondary Responders opined that they were able to prepare lesson plane of each subject. 98% B.Ed Elementary responders, 100% B.Ed Secondary responders said that effective method of teaching will be adopted through lesson planning. Finding reflects that effective teaching will be made through lesson planning.
Key words: GCETS, B.Ed, lesson planning