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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 310-317

Evaluation of Routing Behavior with Energy Capable Sensor Nodes Based on Dynamic Approach

Palak Keshwani, Dr. S. M. Ghosh, Dr. Rohit Miri.


Efficient use of energy is one of the recent area among researchers of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Here we have proposed a novel method to use the energy of the sensor nodes optimally. We have merged the AOMDV routing protocol with the particle swarm optimization. This integration shows us that we can increase the lifetime of the network efficiently. This integration resolves the issue of hot spot problems. We have taken six parameters to prove our results. They are throughput, packet delivery ratio, packet loss ratio, average end to end delay, routing overhead and average energy consumption. This ensemble insertion of PSO with AOMDV has enhanced the energy efficiency in WSN.

Key words: Wireless Sensor Networks, Particle Swarm Optimization, AOMDV, Energy Consumption, Dynamic approach.

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