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Case Report

Superior mesenteric artery embolectomy and second-look laparoscopy technique in acute mesenteric ischemia: A case report

Server Sezgin Uludag, Ahmet Necati Sanli, Ozan Onur Balkanay, Abdullah Kagan Zengin.

Cited by 0 Articles

Although acute mesenteric ischemia is not common, its incidence increases with aging and comorbidities. Early diagnosis and early intervention reduce mortality. Endovascular and open revascularization methods are used in the treatment of acute mesenteric ischemia. Intestinal viability should be evaluated, due to the possibility of ischemia-reperfusion injury in patients undergoing embolectomy. Therefore, planned relaparotomy is an important part of ischemia management. In this case, we aimed to describe the superior mesenteric artery embolectomy, the importance of second-look laparoscopy, and our subsequent treatment approach to the patient diagnosed with acute mesenteric ischemia.

Key words: Acute mesenteric ischemia; ischemia-reperfusion injury; embolectomy; second-look laparoscopy

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