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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 131-134

Intolerance of uncertainty and affective lability among histrionic and non-histrionic persons

Humaira Bibi, Summaira Naz, Mussarat Jabeen Khan.


Objective: To find the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and affective lability and to measure age and gender differences on these variables among histrionic and non-histrionic persons.
Methodology: This correlational study was conducted at Educational Institutes of Hazara Division from August to December 2018. Sample of 300 individuals were selected through convenient sampling technique. Brief Histrionic Personality Scale (BPHS), Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale-12 (IUS-12) and Affective Lability Scale (ALS) were used for this study.
Results: Intolerance of uncertainty had significant positive association with affective lability. Age of individuals has non-significant negative association with intolerance of uncertainty and affective lability. Significant differences of histrionic and non-histrionic individuals were observed on intolerance of uncertainty and affective lability; while non-significant gender differences were observed on these variables.
Conclusion: Histrionics have higher tendency to develop intolerance of uncertainty and affective lability than non-histrionics.

Key words: Affective lability, histrionics, intolerance.

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