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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 366-390

The Reality of Playing E-games during the Period of Domestic Ban and its Impact on the Early childhood children’ Developmental domains from Mothers’ Point of View

Dr. Refka Makram Megli Barsom, Dr. Ebtsam Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed.


The current study aimed at identifying the impact of children's playing of E-games at homes during the Corona pandemic, on their sensory/motor, mental/cognitive, emotional, and social developmental domains. The study was conducted on a sample of (225) mothers who have one or more male or female child between the ages of (4-8). The descriptive method was used for the purpose of the current study, and two tools have been developed namely: (1) the questionnaire of identifying E-games reality during the Corona era and (2) the scale of measuring the effect of Egames on kindergarteners’ developmental domains. The study results showed several results; the rate of playing Egames differed during the Corona pandemic because the time of playing them exceeded (5) hours per day and even extended to most of the day and night. Also, the results showed the effect of E-games on child’s developmental aspects by varying degrees where the greatest effect was on the emotional/social aspects, followed by the sensory/motor aspects (physical) while the effect of E-games on the mental/cognitive aspects was moderated. The recommendations of the current study highlighted the importance of parents’ role in guiding children to play E-games correctly in a way that depends on the activities that develop their mental and creative abilities. Also, it recommended requiring the responsible authorities to observe the E-games sold on the market with the help of psychologists, sociologist, and educational committee.

Key words: E-games, Corona Pandemic, Developmental Domains, Early childhood, children.

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