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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 396-405


Dr. Malik Amer Atta, Dr. Naimat Ullah Babar, Bushra Salah-Ud-Din, Samina Naz, Dr. Liaquat Hussain.


Management is affected by the disruptive behaviors of the individuals in all institutions so the main focus of the research was on behaviors of university students especially which are against discipline and it is very shocking that some undesirable behaviors exist among university students till today and these behaviors are the cause the social disorders, the breach of discipline and down ward promotion in education at university level. Purpose of the present research was to explore the student disruptive behaviour and university management. In this perspective 150 teachers and 400 University students were selected and for the purpose of collecting data two five point validated and reliable rating scales were used. Keeping in view the findings of the study, it was concluded that there are so many factors and causes of undesirable behaviors mean disruptiveness among the students of universities and these student disruptive behaviour effect university management, by controlling student disruptive behaviour improvement can be made in university management.

Key words: Perceptions, Stakeholders, Factors, Disruptiveness

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