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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 991-994

Social support, resilient coping, and post-traumatic growth in road accident survivors of Lahore, Pakistan

Hina Sultan, Muhammad Sajid Hussain, Ghulam Ishaq, Adnan Adil, Rimsha Chaudhry.


Objective: To examine the mediating role of resilient coping between social support and post-traumatic growth in road accident survivors.
Methodology: This correlational study was conducted at emergency department of Mayo Hospital, Lahore from December 2020 to April 2021. Adopting purposive sampling strategy, we included 225 road accident survivors with moderate and severe injury. We obtained basic information about patients from their family members or hospital staff. After 3 months, patients were contacted to fill out Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Brief Resilient Coping Scale, and Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory-Short Form via emails or face to face interactions during follow up. The collected data were analyzed via SPSS 23.
Results: Out of 225 road accident survivors, there were 99(46%) moderately and 126(56%) severely injured patients. Moderately injured patients were those who recovered through bandages or surgeries and stayed in hospital for 2 days-one week while severely injured lost an arm or leg and they had to stay in hospital for 2-3 weeks. There was significant mediating role of resilient coping between social support and post-traumatic growth (B=0.09, t= 3.19, p

Key words: Accident survivors, social support, resilient coping, post-traumatic growth.

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