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Review Article

Effects of capacitive and resistive electronic transfer therapy in musculoskeletal diseases – a results overview of recent clinical trials

Zarko Mitric, Maja Vuckovic, Amra Macak-Hadziomerovic.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: Musculoskeletal diseases imply conditions that have an impact on muscles, bones, joints and associated tissues such as tendons and ligaments and as such may be a significant limiting factor for performing Activities of Daily Living. The therapy with capacitive and resistive electronic transfer has been applied as a type of endogenous thermal treatment for heating of the surface and deep tissues, providing tissue reconstruction and pain relief. This paper aims to provide an overview of the efficiency results of capacitive and resistive electronic transfer (CRet) therapy in the management of symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders found in the available literature.
Material and Methods: Articles related to musculoskeletal disorders were searched through electronic databases, such as PubMed, Web of Knowledge, Lilacs, Cochrane, ResearchGate by the following keywords: capacitive and resistive electronic transfer, Tecar therapy, radiofrequency therapy, musculoskeletal diseases, physiotherapy modalities. After excluding records that are not clinical trials and studies and articles which did not deal with musculoskeletal disorders, 21 articles were eligible and included in the overview.
Results: By reviewing the selected articles related to CRet therapy effects on various forms of musculoskeletal disorders, it was found that this therapy has a favourable effect in pain reduction, improvement of muscles and joints mobility, and oedema reduction. Its positive effects may be attributed to its capability to increase tissue temperature and improve blood circulation.
Conclusion: CRet therapy, applied either solely or in combination with conventional physiotherapies, have a rapid and immediate effect, both in chronic and acute conditions.

Key words: capacitive and resistive electronic transfer, Tecar, radiofrequency therapy, musculoskeletal diseases, pain

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