Background: Demographic transition due to decreased mortality rates, availability of better health care, and increased life expectancy is responsible for this rapid increase in elderly population worldwide. Aged people experience special health problems which need to be taken care of especially in rural population where there is lack of easy access to health care, so this study was undertaken to explore the morbidity and its sociodemographic determinants.
Aims and Objectives: This study aims to study the morbidity patterns and sociodemographic determinants of health care among rural elderly.
Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional type of study conducted among all the elderly population (362; men and women) 60 years and above living in village Naagkalan over a period of January 1, 2014–December 31, 2014. They were interviewed in a pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire.
Results: Majority were suffering from hypertension (40.88%), osteoarthritis (17.12%), diabetes mellitus (DM) (15.46%), and heart disease (5.52%). About 32.87% were suffering from no chronic problems. Diseases such as hypertension, DM, and arthritis were found to be more among females as compared to males. Further, heart diseases were more commonly found among male respondents. Asthma was found to be more among males. Majority, that is, 73.68% of them reported to some private practitioner in city for treatment.
Conclusion: Lifestyle problems are now seen in rural elderly population because of sedentary lifestyles. Special emphasis should be given in this regard.
Key words: Elderly; Morbidity; Lifestyle; Rural