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The correlation between the increase rate of serum creatinine levels and long-term adverse clinical outcomes in patients with non st-segment elevation myocardial infarction

Sukru Arslan, Sait Mesut Dogan.

Cited by 1 Articles

Aim: We purposed to evaluate the correlation between the rate of increase in SCrea levels and major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events(MACCE) in non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction(NSTEMI) patients who was made coronary angiography(CAG) in this study. According to studies on especially stable coronary artery disease (SCAD); contrast-induced acute kidney injury CI-AKI) is described as an rising in serum creatinine (SCrea) levels more than 0.5 mg / dl or more than 25% within 48-72 hours after the contrast agent implementation. However, data on the increase rates of SCrea levels in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) are insufficient..
Materials and Methods: 884 NSTEMI patients were admitted to our study. We classified the patients into 3 groups according to the increase rates in SCrea values; first group(∆SCrea

Key words: Contrast induced nephropathy; serum creatinine increase ratio; acute coronary syndrome; adverse clinical outcomes

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