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A study of preferred e-learning methods in understanding various aspects of Attitude Ethics and Communication competency among first MBBS students

Raghunandana R, Bhuvanendranath H, Shilpa M, Narayana K.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Online virtual class and e-content learning has gained importance in the current scenario. Attitude ethics and communication (AETCOM) is an important component of competency-based medical education.

Aim and Objectives: Current study was carried out to know the preference of online-based virtual learning classes and e-content learning in comparison to traditional lecture class.

Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted on 102 students of 1st MBBS of Sri Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences and Research center, who voluntarily participated in the study. Traditional lecture class, online lecture class, and e-content learning class were taken to teach the various aspects of AETCOM competency. Feedback questionnaires were taken on various teaching-learning methods in understanding the AETCOM competency. Responses of the students were analyzed using Microsoft Excel sheet and expressed in percentage.

Results: In our study, we identified that the majority of students found beneficial with online lecture and group-based e-learning activity in learning and understanding of AETCOM competency in comparison with traditional class.

Conclusion: Introducing the online virtual class and group learning activity might help in better understanding the various components of AETCOM skills among medical students.

Key words: Competency-Based Medical Education; Attitude Ethics and Communication; Online Learning; Group E-Learning

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