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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3465-3480

The Impact of Human Resource Management on Employee satisfaction - Through an Intervention Approach -with reference to Food Processing Industry

Dr.Gajanethi Swathi Kumari.


The food processing industry is an important segment of industries in India and has its own peculiarities like other industries. Because food is a sensitive commodity and is one of the basic necessities of human lives, it directly affects human health and safety. It therefore, calls for special care in handling right from raw materials through processing and packing and transport to the consumption point. The production and processing of food have been the traditional occupations of the countrymen from time immemorial. An organization’s HR is fragile, relationships are delicate, contributions are unpredictable and stability is uncertain. Thus, it provides a great challenge and opportunity to the organization Government of India, as part of its national agenda to promote growth, increase in efficiency and international competitiveness, has been continuously framing policies for industrial growth, fiscal, trade and foreign investment to achieve overall socio-economic development of the country. Indian manufacturing industry is one of the largest industries in the world. The need to raise the global competitiveness of the Indian manufacturing sector is imperative for the country’s long term-growth. The National Manufacturing Policy is by far the most comprehensive and significant policy initiative taken by the Government. The aim of the paper is to study the Human Resource Practices followed at HR practices of Andhra Pradesh Food and Priya Foods companies in Hyderabad, which is currently considered as the top companies in Food processing Industry from public and private sector respectively. Hence, studying HR practices was undertaken to assess whether the practices are going along with changing times. The satisfaction level of the employees were identified and intervention program was conducted for dissatisfied employees and communicated through special lectures related to Work-Life balance, peace, stress management, etc.,

Key words: Government of India, Indian manufacturing industry, International Competitiveness, Intervention Program, Socio-Economic Development, Stress Management Work-Life Balance.

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