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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3487-3492


Olu-Ajayi, Funmilayo Elizabeth.


The Study investigates the influence of a level Coordinator on Science Undergraduates’ attitude towards learning. It identified the many factors contributing to the success and failures of Undergraduates in University system to include student’s social capital. Adescriptive research of survey method of which the population consists of Science Undergraduates of Ekiti State UniversityAdo-Ekiti Nigeria. The sample was selected usingpurposive and total sampling techniques. The instrument was a questionnaire used to obtain information on Undergraduates’ attitude towards learning.The face and content validity of the instrument was ensured by Science Educationists and Education Psychologists. Reliability of the instrument was done through test-retest and a coefficient value of 0.82 was obtained through Pearson Product Moment Correlation.Theresults which wereobtained through Regression analysis indicated remarkable influences of Mentoring on the Undergraduates. It was concluded that Mentoring by the Level Coordinator positively influenced the attitudes of Science Education Undergraduates’ towards learning. The study thus recommends the use of Mentoring in Universities and other tertiary Institutions of learning in promoting students attitudes towards learning.

Key words: Undergraduates, Mentoring, Science Education, Level coordinator

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