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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 509-517

The Conceptualization of Work Family Role conflict and job outcomes: A systematic Review

Dr. Mohammad Daud Ali, Attiya Ashraf.


This study aimed at comprehending the concept of work family role conflict, its consequences along with contribution how organizations can somehow balance the clash between work family conflicts which arises as a result of interference of work domain with family or family interference with work. However, in either way it can contribute to negative outcomes which can be unhealthy for organization
Study of available literature suggests that imbalance created due to work and family can lead to some serious outcomes as lack of organizational commitment, job satisfaction and employees perceived performance, psychological distress, interpersonal conflict, sickness and absence from work, emotional exhaustion and employee retention problems.
However, literature also suggests that outcomes related to work family conflict could be balanced by few variables like workplace flexibility, Islamic work ethics and organizational intervention.

Key words: Work family conflict, organizational commitment, employee performance, job satisfaction, psychological distress.

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