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Anaesth. pain intensive care. 2021; 25(5): 569-574


Jasim M. Salman.


Background & Objective: With the broad application of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA), alternative techniques are essential for the safe use of the device. The comfortable insertion of LMA with predicting successful placement leads to reduce the incidence of repeated attempts and consequent complications. Consequently, this study intends to validate a new method for correct anatomic placement of the LMA.
This study was done in Basra University Medical Center from 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019. During this period, 397 (197 using a new method of insertion and 200 using the standard method as a comparative group) insertions were done for patients aged ranged between 15 and 45 years, and they were scheduled to undergo short surgical procedures and to require general anesthesia. LMA was inserted and placed in with 180o rotation of the fully inflated cuff.
Three hundred and ninety-seven (397) participants were enrolled in this study with a mean age of 35.7±14 years. Of those, 154 (38.8%) were males. The new method showed higher sensitivity and accuracy rate (97.4%, 95.9%, respectively)
The new method is a suitable technique that enhanced the ease of LMA insertion and successfully placed the device within a shorter time without complications.

Key words: Laryngeal mask airway, BMI, Mallampati grading system, airway

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