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Case Report

Occipital calcified pseudoneoplasms of the neuraxis (CAPNON). Old but not understanding very rare pathology. Case report.

Mamoune El Mostarchid, Mohcine Salami, Asri Abad Chrif, Miloudi Gazzaz.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: Calcifying pseudoneoplasms of the neuraxis (CAPNON) are rare and typically benign lesions that can occur anywhere within the central nervous system at intracranial and in the spine. Symptoms vary depending on the location, though they often include seizures, especially in intracranial and supratentorial lesions.
Case report: an occipital cortical CAPNON revealed by seizure is reported. Cranial X-ray showed a heterogeneous calcification in the right occipital region. Computed tomography of the head revealed a heavily calcified linear lesion within the occipital cortical parenchymal with contact with the dura. No enhancement of contrast was seen. On magnetic resonance imaging, this lesion was hypointense on T1-weighted images, isointense to hypointense on T2-weighted images, without any enhancing with gadolinium, without oedema or mass effect. The lesions were microsurgically resected with good control of seizure.
Conclusion: Clinicians should keep in mind that CAPNON can be the cause of drug-resistant focal or generalized epilepsy, and also that it can be well controlled by surgical removal.

Key words: Calcifying pseudoneoplasms of the neuraxis (CAPNON), seizure, occipital lobe surgery, seizure control

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