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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6464-6475

Impact Of Green Performance Evaluation On Sustainable Performance In Developing Countries Like Pakistan

Fawad Khan, Qamar Afaq Qureshi.


Pakistan is facing severe threats associated with industrial pollution caused by discharging of toxic chemicals, chemical and heavy metal substances and radioactivity. However, in last few years, awareness regarding consequences of industrial wastages has been increased. Society and imposition of environment law are now demanding security against environment hazards from manufacturing industries. Many research studies have dyed new concept of green performance evaluation and sustainable performance. The green performance evaluation means evaluating employees' environmental performance in their job area, and offering explanations and remarks on performance of employees in order to help them to develop and maintain their performance. The green performance evaluation not only promises pollution-free environment but help the organizations to win employee loyalty. The basic theme of this article is to investigate the impact of green performance evaluation on sustainable performance. In this regard, data was collected from manufacturing factor and analyzed to examine the hypothesized relationships wherein the results provide significant information in relationships and reaching the conclusion and suggest certain recommendations.

Key words: Green Performance Evaluation, Sustainable Performance & Manufacturing Sector.

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