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Intestine into sacral canal a rare finding in Marfan syndrome. Case report.

Brahim EL Mostarchid, Mamoune El Mostarchid, Mohcine Salami, Asri Abad Chrif, Mioudi Gazzaz.

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Background: Dural ectasia is a well-described feature of the Marfan, which is considered a major criterion in the diagnosis of Marfan Syndrome. Anterior sacral meningocele can be asymptomatic or symptomatic. The symptoms are mostly related to surrounding organs affected by the mass effect.
Case Description: Here, we present a case of anterior sacral meningocele with digestive structures inside the sacral canal via bone defect with unusual radiological findings.
Conclusion: intestine structure into the sacral canal with anterior meningocele must be kept in mind in the syndrome Marfan.

Key words: Marfan syndrome, Anterior sacral meningocele, MRI, intestine in sacral canal

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