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Case Report

A case of cardiac cyst hydatid with multiple system involvement

Gulec Mert Dogan, Sait Murat Dogan, Sevgi Tasolar, Gokalp Okut, Ahmet Sigirci, Ozlem Elkiran, Cemsit Karakurt.

Cited by 0 Articles

The larval form of the Echinococcus granulosus causes cystic echinococcosis. The liver and the lungs are the most commonly affected organs. Echinococcosis can also be present in other organs although it is rare. We reported a case with sacral bone, cardiac, lung and liver involvement. Clinical and radiological findings of this unique case were discussed. At the Thoracic Computed On the thoracic computed tomography (CT) scan of a 16-year-old female patient was seen multiple parenchymal and subpleural nodular lesions and a cystic mass in the right ventricular cavity. Echocardiographic examination of the patient also observed on CT. Most cases of cardiac cystic echinococcosis were occurred on adult patients, while only 20 cases were in children. For the 20 reported cases in children, there were 9 cases of cardiac echinococcosis involving left ventricle. Because of the possible complications in the presence of cardiac hydatid cyst, treatment should be surgery.

Key words: Cyst hydatid; computed tomography; heart

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