Objective: This study aimed to demonstrate incidence, symptoms and therapy management of testicular cancer patients. Also we had evaluated significance of testicular tumor markers. Patients and methods: The study was retrospective, clinical and manipulative, analytical and descriptive and covers the period from 01.01.2000 to 31.12. 2008 with 58 male patients from 16 years upwards. For each patient, the data were analyzed from ambulance and hospital protocol on the Urology Clinic Sarajevo. Results: Incidence of testicular cancer among patients at the Urology Clinic clinical center Sarajevo is on the rise for the last three years (about 20%). Of the 58 patients with testicular cancer, 70% of patients were in age 20-39 years. 47% were patients with right side testicular cancer and 53% were left sided. Walter Reed Hospital tumor classification showed I 50%, IIa 10%, IIb 19% and III 21% of patients. The highest incidence of pathohistological reports showed mixed tumors 46%, seminoma 26%, yolk sack 2%, teratoma 2%, carcinoma embrionale 16%, dysgerminoma 5% and Laydig cell carcinoma 3%. Mixed, seminoma and carcinoma embirionale represents 90% of testicular tumors. s HCG marker was positive in 53% of patients with seminoma and non seminoma 80%. CEA marker was positive only in 9% of all testicular cancer, LDH showed higher incidence with metastatic seminoma tumor. 27,5% of patients undergone retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy treatment, all patients had radical orchiectomy. Conclusion: The common therapeutic procedure in the treatment of testicular tumors are surgical methods radical inguinal orchiectomy, chemotherapy (advanced stages of seminoma and all stages of non seminoma tumor and radiotherapy (early stage seminoma). AFP and βHCG are excellent markers in the evaluation of surgical and oncology treatment of testicular tumor.
Key words: testis cancer, radical orchiectomy, ph specimens, treatment and incidence.