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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 528-537

Entrepreneurial Education and its impact on Student's Entrepreneurial Intentions A study of business students in Pakistan

Nasir Ali, Dr. Amna Ali, Azhar Khan, Rehmat Ali.


The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of entrepreneurial education on the entrepreneurial intentions of fresh business graduates or final year students of under graduation in Pakistan. A sample of 1250 participants has been selected from 25 public and private sector universities of capital cities of all the four provinces and Islamabad for the collection of responses through the purposive sampling technique. Furthermore, a positivist paradigm with deductive reasoning and quantitative methodology has been used for the collection and subsequent analysis of responses from the participants of the study. SPSS statistical analysis has been used for performing different statistical evaluations including factor analysis, regression, and correlation analysis. The findings of the study suggest that two out of three dimensions of entrepreneurial intentions, i.e., behavioural control and entrepreneurial attitude have a significant positive relationship with entrepreneurial education, while subjective norms show a significant negative relationship. Furthermore, the study suggests certain recommendations to future researchers to address the limitations that have been encountered during the execution of the given study, so that more informed judgments and findings can be reached in the future.

Key words: Entrepreneurial education, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Pakistan, Business ventures, subjective norms, entrepreneurial attitude, behavioural control

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