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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3436-3443

Impact of New Media Technologies on Life Style of Youth

Dr. Manan Khan Tareen, Nazmine, Dr. Samia Manzoor, Shafaq Manzoor, Hannan Khan Tareen.


This study is conducted to investigate the influential role of modern media technologies on the youth of Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan. Quantitative approach was adopted in this research however the sampling size of respondents were 500 in which 250 were females and 250 were males. To determine the impact of New Media Technologies on the life styles of youth is the main task of this research. The results indicated that the youth of Bahauddin Zakariya University was impacted by the New Media Technologies but the results shown were positively impacted. The majority of the youth stated the impact of New Media Technologies influenced the youth to set out positive results. However the results also stated that in the gender comparison the male gender tends to prefer New Media Technologies.

Key words: Impact, New Media technologies, Gender, Lifestyle, Youth.

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