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Case Report

Miliary brain tuberculomas concomitant with conus medullaris tuberculoma. Case report

Mamoune El Mostarchid, Zakaria Chandide Tlemcani, Imadeddine Sahri, Abderrahmane Housni, Asri Abbad Chrif, Miloudi Gazzaz.

Cited by 0 Articles

Miliary brain tuberculomas are very rare even in areas tuberculosis is endemic. Intra-medullary tuberculomas are rare and constitute only 0.2-5% of all CNS tuberculomas. The combination of intracranial and intramedullary tuberculomas is extremely rare and only a few cases have been reported in the literature so far.
We report a very rare case of miliary brain tuberculoma with approximately 40 small lesions 2 to 4 mm in diameter, concomitant with intramedullary conus tuberculoma. The literature is reviewed.
Associated brain miliary and intramedullary tuberculoma can be symptomatic, but sometimes can be a radiological incidental finding. We believe that craniospinal MRI screening must be done in diffuse tuberculomas.

Key words: brain miliary tuberculomas, 40 lesions, MRI, intramedullary conus tuberculomas

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