Acanthamoeba species are free-living amebae (FLA) that inhabit a diversified environmental source such as air, soil, and water. These FLA can also act as an opportunistic pathogen to cause infections in both healthy and immunocompromised individuals, including granulomatous encephalitis, keratitis, cutaneous lesions, and sinusitis. Thus, informations about Acanthamoeba distribution in environmental samples is very important in parasitology research. Therefore, this review aimed to analyze the incidences of Acanthamoeba in different types of water sources that are open to public accesses every day of life. Besides, this review endorses safety measures to avoid Acanthamoeba contamination in water.
Key words: Acanthamoeba, Trophozoites, Cysts, Drinking water, Granulomatous amebic encephalitis