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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 589-602

Islamic Values and Representation of Gender Relationship in Pakistani Drama ‘Nand’: A Multi-Modal Discourse Analysis

Dr. Afia Mehdi, Dr. Fahmeeda Gulnaz, Muntazar Mehdi, Syed Shujaat Ali Shah.


This study explores how the Islamic values are being presented in the portrayal women characters in the Pakistani Drama serial ‘Nand’. It also focuses on how all the characters are influenced by only one female character, Gohar performing as Nand (Nand is an Urdu Language term, and it means husband’s sister). This study is based on a multimodal discourse analysis of the Pakistani drama under study. Through the Conveniences of the researcher, some of the shots and dialogues have been taken to analyze the content and images. In this study, it has been explored that all the other characters, both male and female genders are sacrificing their happy life to protect themselves from the dominant character Gohar, and submit to Gohar because of her aggression, intelligent traps, playing with people’s life, spoiling the matrimonial relation of others, commanding and ordering people such representation makes her sadist which questions the basic human rights as shown in the drama. Hence, it is a fact that women in the Pakistani community are not weak all the time rather they equally share the power relations; discursive or non-discursive.

Key words: Gender, TV Drama, Stereotypes, Images, Discourse

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