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Case Report

Open Vet J. 2021; 11(1): 1-5

Clinical, anatomopathological and immunohistochemical findings of a transitional cell carcinoma from nasal cavity, frontal and ethmoidal sinus with meningoencephalic invasion in a dog

Leonardo Gorza, Ayisa Oliveira, Maryleide Porto, Vania Santos, Izabella Hardt, Luciana Maestri, Tayse Domingues, Mayra Flecher.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Primary neoplasms of the nasal cavity and sinuses are uncommon in domestic animals, most of which are of epithelial origin, being adenocarcinoma the most common tumor diagnosed in this region. Some malignant nasal cavity neoplasms may invade the brain causing clinical neurological signs, as well as purulent nasal secretion and epistaxis.
Case description: A case of neoplasm is reported in a 14-year-old pincher presenting dyspnea, epistaxis and neurological alterations. Necropsy revealed the presence of a mass in the oral cavity vestibule, and another in the whole nasal cavity with invasion of the cribiform plate, meninges and brain. Squamous cells carcinoma was diagnosed in the oral cavity and transitional carcinoma in the nasal cavity. The immunohistochemistry confirmed that the brain infiltration was of the same origin as the nasal cavity neoplasm.
Conclusion: The present report describes a rare case of transitional carcinoma of the nasal cavity as well as the frontal and ethmoidal sinuses with brain invasion, confirmed by immunohistochemistry. It is extremely important for veterinarians to include neoplasms in their differential diagnoses, when these animals show chronic respiratory signs and neurological alterations that do not improve with appropriate treatment, always associating with complementary exams, for correct diagnosis establishment and prognosis formulation.

Key words: Meninges, Epistaxis, Nasal Tumor, Canine.

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