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Review Article

RMJ. 2004; 29(1): 35-39

Practicing Evidence Based Anesthetics In The Developing World

Athar M. Siddiqui M. Salim.


Evidence Based Anesthesia is the scientific and current state of knowledge of practice of anesthetics through search and appraisal of the best available relevant literature. It is conducted through effective rationale and practical interventions derived from original studies. It has been proved that patients who received evidence-based treatments had been successfully treated as compared to those who did not (1).

The idea of Evidence Based practice of medicine is more than a century old but it was not until 1972 when Archie Cochrane’s book “Effectiveness and Efficiency – Random Reflections on health services” was published (2). Cochrane enhanced the search for the evidence so as to explore the most effective health care interventions. “Cochrane” data is named after him, which is an important database on electronic libraries of health.

Key words: Anesthesia, training, journal club

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