The instant paper deals with the study, appreciation and analysis of Constitutional Jurisdiction of High Courts and allied matters in its letter and spirit in the light of explored ways by case-laws and other relevant rules and orders. High Courts in Pakistan issues authoritative directions under Article 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the shape of Writs categorized as Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari, Co-Warranto and Habeas Corpus to office holders functioning in connection with the affairs of Federation, Province or local authority and a check of judicial review over the ultra-vires acts or omissions is kept on such institutions. In case of violation of fundamental rights, such powers are unrestrained. Certain restrictions and limitations are imposed on the remedy. This paper is a simple understandable updated document for practicing point of view wherein procedure for enforcement mechanism and safeguard to the guaranteed fundamental Rights is also described.
Key words: Pakistan, Writs, High Courts, Judicial Review, Constitution, Jurisdiction