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Case Report

EJMCR. 2021; 5(12): 337-340

Extremity foreign body injury presenting years after trauma: 2 case reports and review of literature

Erdi Imre.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Extremity foreign body traumas are common injuries occurring symptoms after 10 years is a rare entity. We are presenting two cases as an example of this situation.
Case Presentation: In the first case, a 30-year-old male patient was admitted to the outpatient clinic with complaints of swelling and pain in the right forearm for 3 weeks. The patient had a history of foreign body injury after punching glass 10 years ago. Physical examination of the patient revealed a 4 cm incision scar in the anteromedial of the right forearm with swelling and tenderness. Radiological evaluation revealed a 3 × 1 cm-sized foreign body resembling a glass fragment. In the second case, a 36-year-old male patient was admitted to the clinic with swelling and pain in the left foot. Examination revealed tenderness in the first webspace. The patient had a history of foot injury with a nail 24 years ago. Both patients had removal surgery and complaints regressed in the postoperative clinical follow-up.
Conclusion: In these two foreign body injuries, symptoms that occurred years after injury and removal were necessary. It should be always kept in mind that foreign body injuries might cause late injuries, even years after. Therefore, these injuries should always be on mind.

Key words: Foreign body, extremity, soft tissue injury, removal, glass, case report

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