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Study determining factors related to delayed diagnosis and late-stage presentation in patients of carcinoma of cervix in tertiary care hospital

Angelin Priya, Dinesh Kumar Pal, Padma Bhatia.


Background: India contributes to one-fifth of the world burden and one-third of global deaths due to cervical carcinoma. As carcinoma cervix is a potentially preventable disease and has a long course from pre-invasive to invasive carcinoma, incidence of invasive carcinoma can be decreased by early detection of pre-invasive and early stages. Hence, it is imperative that the disease is detected in the early stages. To ensure early detection, the challenges leading to delayed diagnosis and late-stage presentation need to be understood.

Objective: The present study aims to determine the factor related to delay in diagnosis and late-stage presentation.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken in 230 participants with cervical carcinoma visiting radiotherapy department at tertiary care hospital of Bhopal. After taking all the details, participants were categorized into early and late in the three types of delays that are patient delay, health provider delay, and total delay. Moreover, early and late presenting on the basis at which stage their disease was diagnosed. Various factors affecting these delays and late presentation were analyzed.

Results: The mean age of 230 study participants was found to be 50.30 ± 11.68 years. Age, parity, and type of presenting symptoms were factors found to be significant for patient delay, and locality and education were found to be significant for late-stage presentation.

Conclusion: Patient awareness and setting up standardized protocol in health facility will lead to early detection and treatment of the disease.

Key words: Carcinoma Cervix; Delay; Late Stage

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