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Case Report

Basaloid carcinoma of urinary bladder: an uncommon type of bladder cancer: a case report

Fayek Taha, Anne Durlach, Stephane Larre.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: The basaloid carcinoma has not been previously described in the urinary bladder.
Case presentation: A 61-year-old man presented with hematuria. The patient had a history of skin tumor with 37 basal cell carcinomas, which had often been treated with surgical excision. The cystoscopy showed a superficial 6 mm papillary lesion. A transurethral resection (TUR) instillation was performed, and the histological analysis revealed an invasive basaloid carcinoma pT1. Because of this uncommon histological aspect, a second Look TUR was conducted and showed no tumor and was followed by an intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy. Knowing the patient presented two major aspects of the Gorlin Syndrome, a genetic analysis of patched mutation had been done but showed no mutation of the gene. After 5 years of cystoscopy follow-up, the patient presented no recurrence of the tumor in the bladder.
Conclusion: The basaloid carcinoma is an exceptional variant tumor in the urinary bladder.

Key words: Basaloid carcinoma, urinary bladder, PTCH gene, urinary bladder neoplasm, histological variant

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