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Invasive Mucormycosis Following COVID-19 Pneumonia

Raghavendra Deshpande, Ipe Jacob, Pradeep Rangappa, Diwakar C, Karthik Rao.

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Invasive mucormycosis, a dreaded and debilitating fungal infection, referred to as ‘black fungus’ is being increasingly seen as a sequela of SARS-COV2 pneumonia. This is a highly invasive infection that arises on the background of an immunocompromised state and can cause extensive necrosis and bony destruction of the paranasal sinuses, orbit and surrounding tissues. In addition to antifungal drugs, treatment often involves aggressive surgical debridement including exenteration of the orbit. We describe four cases of mucormycosis that presented soon after treatment for SARS-COV2 pneumonia and their radiological findings and discuss risk factors, treatment and preventive measures.

Key words: Mucormycosis, Black fungus, maxillectomy, paranasal sinusitis

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