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Induction of Hairy Roots and Phenolics Biosynthesis of Genetically-Transformed Brassica campestris L

Ashraf Haider, Salma Abdeldayem, Mohamed El-Esawi.


Brassica campestris could be used for medicinal purposes. The plant is rich in flavonoids and phenolics that have potential for pharmacological purposes. As such, enhancement of secondary metabolites in Brassica campestris plants is highly recommended. Therefore, the aim of this study is to obtain cultures of hairy roots of Brassica campestris, which has undergone a bacterial transformation using Agrobacterium rhizogenes in an attempt to enhance the production of secondary metabolites. The level of expression of root inducing gene in transformed hairy roots was estimated using quantitative real-time PCR analysis. Results revealed higher root inducing gene expression levels in the transgenic plants as compared to the non–transformed roots. Transformed hairy roots showed higher increases in the total phenolic content, as compared to non-transformed roots. This study indicated the enhanced secondary metabolites biosynthesis by hairy roots induction in Brassica campestris plants.

Key words: Brassica campestris, Agrobacterium rhizogenes, hairy root induction, phenolics

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