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JPAS. 2021; 21(1): 61-66

Proximate, Phytochemical and Anti-Nutritional Composition of Chrysophyllum albidum kernel seed

Chukwuma Stephen Ezeonu.


With increasing human population, proportional knowledge in the usefulness of underutilized plant seeds as potential sources of human foods became inevitable. Studies were carried out to determine the proximate analysis, phytochemicals, and anti-nutrients composition of African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidum) kernel seed using standard methods of analysis. Two samples of the fruit kernel seeds were produced. Unfermented African Star Apple Seed (ASAU) was the negative standard; it was dried and grounded into flour. Fermented African Star Apple Seed (ASAF), prepared in ungrounded form, was boiled for 12 hours and allowed to stand for 5 days to ferment. Freshly prepared fermented castor oil seed (OGR - Ogiri) was the positive standard. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of saponins, phenolic, alkaloids, flavonoids and terpenes, while tannin was only present in ASAU. The proximate analysis revealed a decrease in carbohydrate content of ASAF (26.0 %) and OGR (23.44 %) when compared to ASAU (55.12 %). Also the protein content of ASAF (18.22 %) and Ogiri (22.50 %) increased significantly (P

Key words: Anti-nutrients, Chrysophyllum albidum, Phytochemicals, Proximate-analysis, Fermented and Ogiri.

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