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Review Article

COVID-19 Impact on Access and Performing Dental Health Care in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Demir Mehic, Adna Muslic, Rasim Jusufovic, Tarik Catic.


Background: The world was struck with a pandemic accompanied by maybe one of the most popular words out there right now, which is COVID-19. It has affected every aspect of life imaginable, especially in the medical sector particularly in our case dental care. Objective: This study goes on to analyse and assess the impact of COVID-19 on dental care in Bosnia and Herzegovina, varying from the staff, patients, supplies/equipment, and finances. Methods: An online survey and over-the-phone surveys were conducted, bringing in raw information to help with this study. Results: In total there were 10 different dental offices that information was obtained from. About 90% say that the pandemic has affected their patient flow, obviously due to some restrictions and regulations. And 60% say that the cost of PPE has increased since the pandemic started, while 40% said otherwise. Other data can be found in the rest of the study. Conclusion: Entering into the pandemic, dental practices quickly started to realize the seriousness of this situation, changing the way they do normal everyday work to accustom to this “new norm”. During such a problem, both sides have to participate to act upon accordingly to bring health and safety for everyone.

Key words: COVID-19, Dental care, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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