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Characteristics of the immigrant newborns and analysis of short-term results: An example of Giresun

Muhammet Bulut, Dilek Kucuk Alemdar.


With this study, it was aimed to evaluate the characteristics of the immigrant and Turkish newborns who were born in our hospital and monitored in the neonatal control unit and to analyze the results. The retrospective and descriptive study included Turkish and immigrant newborns who were born in the Department Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics of Giresun University Training and Research Hospital between January 2019 and December 2019 and were followed up in the neonatal monitoring unit. A total of 319 babies, 211 of whom were Turkish and 108 were immigrants, were included in the study. While 36% of Turkish newborns were born by a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery, this rate is 66.7% in the immigrant babies (p0.05).No significant difference was found between birth weight, height, head circumference, gestational week and cord blood gas values of the Turkish and immigrant newborns (p>0.05).Antenatal follow-up rates in the immigrant mothers (51.9%) were significantly lower (p

Key words: Neonatal follow-up, immigrant newborn, Turkish newborn

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